Gratitude and Worship are two aspects of the same concept. Worship is related to valuing the external world due to being “told” to look at a god/ goddess outside of us and value this unknown, unseen entity as having more value than us so that we feel OBLIGATED to give thanks for our “blessings.” Who is determining what a “blessing” is and determined that we’re meant to look at God as outside of us? How can we come to know true Gratitude when it’s been made to feel like a chore we must do to appease “God,” making our valuing “Him/Her” over our own value vs being taught to show Gratitude for God as aspects of us as made “in the image of God” and having paid our debt for our “sins” when he sacrificed his life for us?
If the debt is paid for our sins/ mistakes, then why are we punished for making them and not taught to learn and grow from them? Isn’t that how we feel the difference between “right” and “wrong?” Tell a child many times not to do something for his good and when do they really learn? When they do it and feel the wisdom in what they were “told.”
How does the difference in our perception between someone “telling” us what to do that, for one, we’re unsure has our best interests at heart due to not having felt/ experienced that safety to truly self express ourselves authentically without getting punished for speaking it. Do we punish our children for speaking their truth, even if it’s not what we want to hear? Could we give them the “consideration” and allow them to share their perspective, allow them to feel seen and heard so they feel valued and considered?
Where did we learn to shut our truth down and “obey” authority that disempowers and devalues us?
The consideration of others brings us to our divinity through the connection from the consideration of each other that has an uplifting effect for all involved. We’re learning who we are through each other’s stories. When we listen to their stories and we consider them and their perspective, that’s where you observe the “heavenly bodies,” which is one of the etymologies of the word, consider.
How does it tie into Worship vs Gratitude?
We’ve been taught to worship as though God is outside of us when worship means value. Don’t we value through our gratitude which allows us to see the value for the gratitude for THAT which IS. Gratitude could be the form of worship. Worship means value and they made worship a process that values an external God and turned worship into obligation and fear of displeasing God if we didn’t worship the way we were “told” HE/SHE said to worship as some authority “appointed by God,” according to “them.”
It’s a process that’s become mundane and without meaning and purpose, empty of substance. The obligation to worship vs valuing who and what God is and the connection we each have with our God.
They’ve “bound” our creator side, god-mind, to manifest through spirit on the earth as creators. Worship is a form of ritual control within the framework of False Religion and Gratitude is the state of acknowledgment of our connection to our Higher Power, which is highly personal, when we choose to seek that connection.
Shaming us by getting us to believe we’re separate and creating shame as a result for questioning what our connection to “Love/ God” is. It wasn’t a punishment but a lesson. They nurture feelings of Fear Obligation and Guilt to keep the shame intact within our consciousness, keeping the state of disconnection “covered” with shame and perpetuated by using fear, obligation and guilt to keep it “covered.”
FOG serves as a misdirect to the shame as the source of disempowerment and, it’s a disempowerment that we “oblige” with our sense of moral duty causing many to use virtue signaling to mask the actual disempowered feeling that’s “covered” and seeking to be “uncovered.” Interestingly enough, apocalypse etymology is “uncover,” revelation, “to reveal.”
Could the real spiritual war that’s going on be the war within our own BEingness? Our individual, inner battle? A “wrestling with spirit” that is blocking us from “uncovering” our true nature?
This is the construct that weighs us down and perpetuates co-dependency and survival on the system, whether it be religious, cultural, scientific, governmental or corporate, they’re all part of the “system” designed to keep us disempowered consumers and slaves to it by feeding us justifications, excuses, coping mechanisms, temporary gratifications, distractions and something external to blame by creating division between everything from sports to race and religion.
It puts people in competition with themselves which results in competition in the system which feeds the insecurities of not feeling good enough and worthy of receiving abundance and manifesting sustainably. We’re kept debt slaves to their system of “rule” and enforced, conditioned perception that they’re the “authority” over our BEingness by keeping us co-dependent on them.
Divinity is THE game in town that everyone wants to play, yet, competition leaves us feeding on scraps of divinity for all of our effort of our investment that is depleting due to who we are, as a whole, in humanity.
We can attain a desire to be that example of divinity for others and recognizes our importance as a lightworker on the frontlines, working to transform and lift humanity out of its dross and heavy density that is unsustainable and crumbling by simply shifting our words and ourselves as a result, for our benefit and the good of All.
Sin was not a “sin,” it was a lesson. Sin is the choice we make to experience, in the human form, to discover who and what we are as creators co-creating and learning more of who and what we are from each other’s authentic self-expression, which is sacred.
Sin is the mechanism in the system and money is the resistance in the system because it keeps us striving for more money as means of survival vs having faith and trust in our Divine to provide that we fully trust when we’re shown how we can each discover HOW to see vs ‘told” WHAT to see. We see evidence of this truth because of how obvious it is in how it causes class distinctions and judgments of others, as well as people willing to commit murder over it.
They both keep us from looking and seeking out our true Divinity by keeping us disconnected. Sin was created and nurtured by False Religion as a means to enslave our true nature.
How do we discover the truth? Seek the truth in Love, which is Unity, not divided in anything. Allow that truth to guide our choices, beliefs, perceptions of ourselves and others by showing mutual respect for each other and our choices as long as they do NOT harm others. It is not for any imperfect human to dictate what is “right” and “wrong” for our personal, intimate connection to our “truth” that is felt through our experiences.
When we nurture the Gratitude for the connection that is showing up in our realities now. It requires, no matter where we are now in our lives, focus on what we’re grateful for, speak your hearts to your Higher Power, surrender control to what knows what’s best for our journey to becoming by learning from our past patterns and learning from our “sins” and the wisdom we embody from the lesson that allows us to move up levels in our lives and begin the climb to discovering our value in “God’s” eyes, not “man’s” perceptions and perspectives, “God’s” truth speaking to us through our stories we’re telling ourselves about ourselves, our mindset.
We can reverse engineer our personal stories by learning to uncover the stories we’ve been “told” and spot patterns of behaviors that may have been learned and/ or experienced through trauma. Reveal where the belief systems and trapped traumas are coming from and “see” how they’ve been impacting our choices, relationships and careers.
Follow the Freqs and experience the power in connection, co-creation and community aligned in core values and desire to support one another globally! Let your Freq Flags fly! Be your most authentic Freq and learn your unique magic!